Hi! I have recently tried and update my old PC, it has a Gigabyte
motherboard GA-8SIMLH Rev 2.0. Further info can be seen here
http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product...x?pid=2303&dl=1# And if you look at the CPU support list you discover that it dosen't support "Intel P4-Celeron D 340 2.93G", which I've bought before I stumbled over this page unfortunately
. And
my question is... Is it possible to mod my latest BIOS version so it can support this well shall we say "newer" CPU?
Because I figured that if It has a 533 Bus speed it should be compatible with my motherboard. And it's the same socket (478) to.
My guess is that it could be done, and that gigabyte just didn't
bothered because it's such an old motherboard
. And maybe it is
I hope that my english wasn't to bad since I'am Swedish. Many Thank's in advance to those who actually managed to read it all
. Ops I forgot to add this
. This is the latest BIOS for the motherboard along with all the others http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product...x?pid=2303&dl=1#bios.
The newest (F12) is on top and then it goes down to (F1) which is the oldest one. As I've said in the topic, it is an award bios. version 6.00 or something. I don't know for sure. I've googled around quite a bit but am such a noob when it comes to this stuff
. Any help is very much appreciated. And for a start. Is this even possible? Nuff said! Give me your best shot!
motherboard GA-8SIMLH Rev 2.0. Further info can be seen here
http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product...x?pid=2303&dl=1# And if you look at the CPU support list you discover that it dosen't support "Intel P4-Celeron D 340 2.93G", which I've bought before I stumbled over this page unfortunately

my question is... Is it possible to mod my latest BIOS version so it can support this well shall we say "newer" CPU?
Because I figured that if It has a 533 Bus speed it should be compatible with my motherboard. And it's the same socket (478) to.
My guess is that it could be done, and that gigabyte just didn't
bothered because it's such an old motherboard

I hope that my english wasn't to bad since I'am Swedish. Many Thank's in advance to those who actually managed to read it all

The newest (F12) is on top and then it goes down to (F1) which is the oldest one. As I've said in the topic, it is an award bios. version 6.00 or something. I don't know for sure. I've googled around quite a bit but am such a noob when it comes to this stuff