If you compare this three mainboard, than you can see the differencies:
The difference between DVI and VSTA:
- power controller chip (this should be a bigger problem)
- lan chipset: RTL8211B - RTL8201CL (option pci rom changing can handle it)
- right to the cpu missing a chip on vsta
- 3+ diff on pcb
- Is the same the clock generator chipset?
(Did the lan work without changind the option rom in bios?)
The difference between VSTA and GLAN:
- lan chipset: RTL8201CL - RTL8211B (same as in DVI)
- audio codec: ALC888 - ALC662
- Is the same the clock generator chipset?
- the GLAN has officially AM3 support :-) http://www.asrock.com/mb/cpu.asp?Model=ALiveNF6G-GLAN
So, if DVI->VSTA works and VSTA is almost the same as GLAN, then you should try the GLAN bios :-)
(Will the audio codec work?)
The last known beta bios from Asrock support for
DVI is L2.28.
I tested it with an X2 545 and it works (only fsb changing works for overlock, and cooler runs at maximum with this cpu and its oem pwm cooler).
The last known beta bios for
VSTA is L2.26:
The last official bios for
GLAN is 1.80:
I have two DVI board, if I will have some time I try to crossflash one of them to GLAN. I can test it only with X2 545 (3GHz) and an old X2 3800+ (2GHz)... but I know someone who has an x4 975 (3.6GHz)... If he helps maybe we can test it with a crossflashed board or beta bios...