Hello there I just found this forum and I think it is amazing and offer great support. I own a DV6-1080el laptop, lately I make some little modification to it aside the bios mod that I found here, SSD, 8GB DDR2, Blue-Ray Burner and so. Frankly I dont love so much new laptops and I feel great with this one, that why I would like to make any futher modification. I recently buy a QX9300 CPU, but I still dint try it, first I want be sure I can make it work in this PC, I read about hw modification and so but them are referred to MB that dont have support of 1066 FSB, mine have it already cause my actual CPU is a T9550, I would like to share my experiences with us guys and maybe follow advices who have already try some of this mods. Also I notice that MB can be also easly replaced with other models like DV7-2XXX or so, all look like the same and with same connector types, and in that one, manual say that Quad Core (at least 9100) is supported. Question is someboy tried it pheraps with this new modified bios files?
Thank you in advanced to anybody willing to reply me.
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(04-12-2021, 03:02 AM)Andyconan Wrote: I recently buy a QX9300 CPU, but I still dint try it, first I want be sure I can make it work in this PC, I read about hw modification and so but them are referred to MB that dont have support of 1066 FSB, mine have it already cause my actual CPU is a T9550, I would like to share my experiences with us guys and maybe follow advices who have already try some of this mods.
The BIOS for your laptop version F.46 already has 1067A microcode, which corresponds to the QX9300 processor.
Thank yo Maxinator500, so at least CPU is supported by BIOS, nobody here had tested it before? Should be a specific motherboard version or serial for it?
I already saw that post, but them talk mostly about 1066FSB mod, my MB already support it cause I use a T9550 right now that is 1066. Anyway I can bought a spare MB if in this one is not supported, right now are really cheap and I see I can adapt even MB of DV7 or other similar model in my laptop, also if you have an advice of what model I can buy or even a list of supported one will be really appreciated.
04-15-2021, 09:19 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2021, 09:36 AM by DeathBringer.)
Look at your screenshot. The model of current motherboard is 3629.
But only HP motherboards with model 3624 have support for quad cores CPUs.
P.S. You can cut off or isolate five pins:
Hello, yes I read that thread but I have some doubt cause them try to upgrade a system that is not 1066 BUS, also I notice that 2 cores of Quad one will be cutted out, and this is not what I want, I need that all the cores working propely with the system, I can change the MB if this is the case no problem about that. I saw the HP DV7-2090el (mine is DV6-1080el) that have support for quad cores CPU (the manual not mentione QX9300 anyway), question is may I adapt it to my case? It look like really the same, even the [censored] holes are in the same position. I will show you the manual and the replacement card that I found looking around, is really cheap, so I think is deserve to try, what you think about it?
Manual with MB model https://www.manualeduso.it/hp/pavilion-d...nuale?p=28
MB Spare part https://it.aliexpress.com/i/4001320892563.html