Well, I tried reflashing to v3.06 using the winflash supplied with the D/L. I renamed the 3.06 to 3.10. It still warned about BIOS "id" being different, click to continue. I did. It started going thru the update procedure. At the very end it complained about not erasing block?(was kinda quick, barely caught it) then the program just shut down. I tried to reflash once more, and it gripes about "id" not matching. Then, I tried the known good 3.10 copy (which I tried before all this to make sure still good) and it's griping about it's "bios id" as well!

I'm afraid to power down as I'm not sure it'll power back up.
I'll try running that program that copies the BIOS ( the one used to post my bios here) and see if it took or not, or what version it thinks it's running (if any, assuming it's trashed)
FHM ROM is write protected? Says to check for jumper. But this the thing, I put the known good (3.10) BIOS copy in WinHex, followed by the 3.06 and then the Universal Bios Back-up Copy just now. The copy it pulled from the computer matches the 3.06 about 80% in WinHex. The beginning starts out the same, but as you get further down towards the bottom, the hex values are definitely not the same. Also, this 3.06 has some chunks of area with nothing but FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF which I'm thinking the original you guys uploaded might be off? Someone plz help? If I do a DOS USB set-up, (the winflash is too unpredictable with non matching "id's") are my odds of saving it now better? I'm not shutting it down, crosses fingers.