As usually ... I don't resist and never give up. So I've studied something, found a great article and tried it out!
Let's show some result of back tracing. This is what I've found until now in my Bios.
Menu Links found from offset 020C
BD 0F 34 02 EB 0F C4 02 41 0D 96 03 C1 0E 88 02 33 0F 32 03
List of Menu
[0030 Choose Menu]
0533 Active Trip Point: [Temperature]
0563 Critical Trip Point: [Temperature]
05d3 High-Fan Trip Point: [Temperature]
0653 Passive TC1 Value: [0---]
0683 Passive TC2 value: [10]
06B3 Passive TSP Value: [2]
06E3 Passive ST Value : [0]
0A95 Spread Percentage: [Down 0.50%]
11BF IGD - Boot Type: [VBT Default]
121B IGD - LCD Panlet Type : [9: 1680x1050 LVDS]
128F IGD - TV Standard : [Auto]
12BF Minor Standard : [Auto]
[0018 Enable/Choose Features Menu]
051B ALS Support : [Enable/Disable]
05A7 HPET Base Adress: [0xFE000000]
073F Thermal Control Circuit: [Tm1 and TM2]
0757 DTS Calibration: [Disable]
07A3 Processor Power Management [Enable]
08E7 PCI Hot-Plu Resources: [cannot_Find_String]
09FF PCI Express Size: [256MB]
0A2B Lane Width Support: [Auto]
0B01 Spread Spectrum Clock chip [Off]
1203 IGD Panel Scaling [Force Scaling]
125F Pre-Allocated Memory Size : [8MB]
1277 Total Graphics Memory [128MB]
12EF Video Repost [Linux]
04EF Plug & Play O/S [WinXp]
09BF USB Device 29 Ports: [Ports, 1,2 and 3]
0B60 ....[
0C5B F10 and F12 Delay (sec) [0]
0CB7 Graphics Core Render Clock Select [500]
0E12 ....[
118B BIA Control [Disabled]
14C7 StandBy Timeout [off]
14E7 Auto Suspend Timeout: [off]
[0014 Enable/Choose Features Menu]
0593 EMA Support : (Enable/Disable)
05A7 HPET Base Address:
051B ALS Support
05BF HPET Support : (Enable/Disable)
0603 MEF Support : (Enable/Disable)
0617 Native PCI Express Support: (Enable/Disable)
062B Native ASPM Support: (Enable/Disable)
063F 1 [8]
0713 FACP - RTC s4 Flag Value: (Enable/Disable)
076F DTS Enable: (Enable/Disable)
0783 Enanched CState (Enable/Disable)
07BB PROCHOT# Enable (Enable/Disable)
07DB Thermal Monitor Enable (Enable/Disable)
07EF Thermal Offset : (Enable/Disable)
0803 Timestamp Counter Updates (Enable/Disable)
0847 ASPM Latency Checking (Enable/Disable)
085B Clock Power Management (Enable/Disable)
086F Pop Down Mode Enable: (Enable/Disable)
0883 Pop Up Mode Enable: (Enable/Disable)
0897 Pci Clock Run (Enable/Disable)
08AB Device 29 USB 2.0 Enable

08BF Force WX Detection : (Enable/Disable)
08D3 Azalia Modem PME Enable : (Enable/Disable)
08FF On-board LAN: (Enable/Disable)
0913 Overcurrent Detection (Enable/Disable)
0927 Port 1 Hot Plug

093B Port 1 Interlock Switch (Enable/Disable)
094F Port 2 Hot Plug: (Enable/Disable)
0963 Disable Vacant Ports: (Enable/Disable)
0977 Internal Network Adpter Boot (Enable/Disable)
098B Root Port ASPM Support [Auto]
099F SATA Clock Request : (Enable/Disable)
09EB MDA Support: (Enable/Disable)
0A17 Port ASPM Support: [Auto]
0A6D Ck-505 Clock Chip: [Program]
0A81 PLL3 Spread Spectrum Mode [Off]
0AC5 Compatible Rev. ID [Program]
0AD9 DB-800 Clock Chip: [Default]
0AED DFOROM(Robson) Support: (Enable/Disable)
0BAB Virtualization Technology (Enable/Disable)
0C7B CD-Rom Boot (Enable/Disable)
0C8F Floppy Boot (Enable/Disable)
0CA3 Button Sound (Enable/Disable)
0CD7 Pocessor C4 state
0E75 Numbers of Stop Grant [Single]
0E89 Core Multi-Processing (Enable/Disable)
0EAD Boot-Time Diagnostic Screen: (Enable/Disable)
11AB DVMT 4.0 Mode: [DVMT]
11EF IGD - Device2, Function 1: [Auto]
124B IGD - S3 Popup: (Enable/Disable)
1307 Enable ME Devices: (Enable/Disable)
131B IGD Device 2: [Auto]
132F Port 80h cucles: [LPC Bus]
[110c SubMenus]
050F ACPI Control Sub-Menu
0727 CPU Control Sub-Menu
0733 CPU Thermal Control Sub-Menu
0797 Merom CPU Control Sub-Menu
07CF Penryn Cpu Control Sub-Menu
0817 ICH Control Control Sub-Menu
0823 Integrated Device Control Sub-Menu
082F PCI Express Control Sub-Menu
083B ICH USB Control Sub-Menu
09B3 ICH Sata Pata Control Sub-Menu
09DF MCH Control Sub-Menu
0A43 Workaround Control Sub-Menu
0B27 Boot Order
0B87 Processor Type
0B93 Processor Type
0BBF Notebook Model
0C4F Boot Options
107D Processor Speed Sub Menu
10D1 Shadow Ram
0E25 Frequency Ratio [Default]
0F61 Language