10-24-2013, 11:30 PM
If someone would please, please, PLEASE. Help me find out or understand what cpu is compatible with not just my hardware config, but with the modded bios I got from here forever ago. I read thru post after post and I am confused. The bios is the old abit_unlocked that was used for alot of boards. My particular board is for acer apire e380, mcp61sm-am. The main post for that bios and the apire e380-t180, confuses me with what is the new compatible cpu's. MrTangoWhiskey made a post showing what he got to work and how good it was, but then he goes on to say that he changed his vrm capacitors because he toasted the stock ones trying somethings. So that contaminates his findings in relation to anyone with stock vrm. Also he said that he recommended the phenom x4 9500 at 65 watts??????? I havent found anything other than a 95 watt, and I have searched deeply. Another post in that thread said to look at the nettle 2 and 3 threads for processor info, but neither of those threads states anything about it. I understand this bios was created years ago, but if anyone either has the said bios and has successfully upgraded I would like to know, or if anyone in admin might know. What I am hoping is that there is a decent quad core I can go to. Any responses would be hugely appreciated and thanks in advance.
Don't get be patient, have some intestinal fortitude and drive on.