Ok so this one has gone over my head, I am trying to unlock the settings for the Package TDP Limit, and power Limits. Extracted the ROM from the Lenovo Package installer but PBE kept saying incorrect rom length and it was WAY off so I pulled the rom with a ch341a. That cleared the incorrect length error but know it says no BCP's found. If I open it in Andy's SLIC Tool it says it's an EFI/Insyde Bios, but the Unicode in the file Has Phoenix Copyrights and SecuCore. Uefi Tool pulls up a Tree for it and in Setupdxe there is quite a lot of mentions to the power limits in the text. I'm just starting with Hex so I'm lost from here. Try'd following guides but they all pretty much rely on PBE so I haven't made any progress. On a side note I can't seem to find the wifi and wwan whitelist either? I tried a bunch of search terms in uefi tool but nothing seems to come up. I even searched for all mentions of "wireless" in the bios and spent 4 hours looking each one up but still can't find it? Any help would be appreciated.