OK here is solution:
1. download from dell page drivers
R298998 (match for DW5540 i 5550): R298998
(i did it using DW5560_X2NYF_A00_7.2.4.1_Setup_ZPE.exe )
2. Unpack it
3. Run installation (if driver is not dedicated to your laptop error ocure with list of compatible laptops )
4. !! Don't close this error window
5. Now go to C:/ and search file (hidden and system files too) "driver_auth.exe"
6. Copy this file to place where you have your unpacked driver (point 2)(usualy C:/DELL...), now you can close error window (point 4).
7. Go to Start RUN CMD and go to place where driver is unpacked (files: setup.exe, dell_wwan_sysID.dat and copied driver_auth.exe
8. Input command:
driver_auth.exe -U "dell_wwan_sysID.dat" D55x0
(x - modem that you have) > you get similar message:
C:\>cd dell
C:\Dell>cd drivers
C:\Dell\Drivers>cd x2nyf -> this driver i chose
C:\Dell\Drivers\X2NYF>driver_auth.exe -U "dell_wwan_sysID.dat" D55x0
Checking for system and model authorization
>Table 0, index=5, size=49
Vendor : Dell Inc.
>Table 1, index=6, size=67
Manufacturer : Dell Inc.
Product Name : Latitude E6410 ->this is my model
Version : 0001
Serial Number : XXXXXXXX
SKU Number :
>Table 11, index=27, size=49
OEM Strings (4):
Dell System
>Table 177, index=52, size=13
Table 177: Flags0 0x001a, Flags1 0x0000, Flags2 0x0000, Flags3 0x0000,
ATG : Off
>Table 208, index=54, size=34
Id : 1034 --------------------------------------- this is what you need, but you can get other numbers
System Data (D):
Vendor : Dell Inc.
Manufacturer : Dell Inc.
Product Name : Latitude E6410
OEM : Dell System
ATG : 0
ID : 1034
SysId 1034 authorized, since found in list
System Authorized, checking model authorization...
Model D55x0 not authorized.
Not authorized
9. Important is ID - note it somewhere (my is 1034)
10. Now decode dell_wwan_sysID.dat, and in CMD send command:
driver_auth.exe -D HELMSLEY "dell_wwan_sysID.dat"
in effect we get txt "dell_wwan_sysID.txt" in our directory
10. Open TXT(using notepad) and insert your laptop like this:
ID,1, laptop_model_(whatever), MODEM_MODELS
in my case i pasted this:
1034,1, Dell Latitude E6410, D5560
i allow to install my modem (DW5560) on my laptop E6410
11. Save TXT file, close notepad and compile > (before rename your old file "dell_wwan_sysID.dat") > and in command line send command:
driver_auth.exe -L HELMSLEY dell_wwan_sysID.txt
You should get new file: "dell_wwan_sysID.dat" >
now you can do point 8 to check if all was done like it should be done > you should get "authorized" answer.
12. Now run setup.exe in unpacked directory. (in my case it was c:\Dell\Drivers\X2NYF\setup.exe)
13. If you don't have it yet, download and install connection manager : R318758_ZPE (if it won't install you need to change "dell_wwan_sysID.dat" in it's directory (i think C:\dell\R318758\))
14. Run manager, set it to your sim card and all should work.
Hope that help other people.
translated from