Ofcourse i managed to brick my new Huananzhi X79 300euro motherboard.
Tried to recover it many hours now, starting to get desperate.
I have even bought cd-rom but I dont manage to make it boot either from USB or cd-rom with file named amiboot.rom or amiboot.bin. tried reading recovery filenanme with phoenixtool but seemse to not give me filename or i dont know how to use it.
I'm attaching bios from homepage.
I have also tl688+ programmer tried to flash some eeprom with 8mb file but still does not work (restored it back again)
Motherboard is boot looping but no picure, it looks like it tried to read from cd-rom for some seconds then reboots again...
Thanks for any help
Ofcourse i managed to brick my new Huananzhi X79 300euro motherboard.
Tried to recover it many hours now, starting to get desperate.
I have even bought cd-rom but I dont manage to make it boot either from USB or cd-rom with file named amiboot.rom or amiboot.bin. tried reading recovery filenanme with phoenixtool but seemse to not give me filename or i dont know how to use it.
I'm attaching bios from homepage.
I have also tl688+ programmer tried to flash some eeprom with 8mb file but still does not work (restored it back again)
Motherboard is boot looping but no picure, it looks like it tried to read from cd-rom for some seconds then reboots again...
Thanks for any help