(02-26-2025, 03:19 PM)DeathBringer Wrote: I think your i7-870 is dead.
May be. I contacted the vendor hoping it sends another. I used mcextractor to check microcodes for my bios to ensure that I have the correct microcodes. I think the i7-870 is part of 20652 but says is not last. I don't know how to read the table below.
║ Intel ║
║ # │ Type │ CPUID │ Platforms │ Revision │ Date │ State │ Size │ Offset │ Last ║
║ 1 │ Microcode │ 20651 │ 13 (0,1,4) │ FFFF0012 │ 2009-07-23 │ PRE │ 0x1400 │ 0x8020 │ Yes ║
║ 2 │ Microcode │ 20652 │ 12 (1,4) │ 9 │ 2009-11-12 │ PRD │ 0x1C00 │ 0x9820 │ No ║
║ 3 │ Microcode │ 106E5 │ 13 (0,1,4) │ 3 │ 2009-05-29 │ PRD │ 0x1800 │ 0xB820 │ No ║