(02-16-2011, 06:32 PM)nochristrequired Wrote: Thanks for your continued input TheWiz. You've been very helpful.
I went out and bought a PLCC remover. I'm going to source a chip and a writer, so any real testing will have to wait a couple weeks.
Thank you both for your work into this!
- Do you have any status update on this project?
- Can you bring it to completion and deliver a working BIOS?
- What is the official list of quad / hex core AMD cores that share HARDWARE support with the Ultra-40 M2?
- What is the subset list of cores your new BIOS will support?
I am a software engineer and know nothing about BIOS, I admit. However I might be able to throw a small amount of cash your way, if someone could deliver this BIOS update, preferably as a bootable ISO. Quad-Core is important for me, hex-core would just be awesome. Two major features of the Quad-Core that are immediately valuable to me:
1) OpenSolaris / Solaris11 DOES NOT support power-stepping in the AMD-Dual-Core Opteron (because it's "too old".. ). The Quad-Core's power-stepping is supported. (In the mean time these solaris boxes are running full throttle!)
2) Improved/newer Virtualization features on-chip.
Like many, I bought these from Sun on the promise of a Quad-Core Upgrade path and am not happy with them. I would be very supportive and gracious of a community effort to bang this out however!