08-02-2010, 06:43 AM
Hey guys
Good 2 hear you still want 2 work on this
I have been reading through all the AMD Developer Guides and Manuals but as i am new 2 bios modding i don't understand most of it :p
I have thrown the bios into IDA and found only 1 reference as far as i can tell to the 10h Family
But still no sign of where the fail safe 4x multiplier is being set
wish ASUS would just give us a clue :p
Good 2 hear you still want 2 work on this

I have been reading through all the AMD Developer Guides and Manuals but as i am new 2 bios modding i don't understand most of it :p
I have thrown the bios into IDA and found only 1 reference as far as i can tell to the 10h Family
But still no sign of where the fail safe 4x multiplier is being set