kasar has successfully patched the connector table ..
I find it interesting how my VBIOS has different tables across 2098 and 2104:
I will try swapping out the table from 2104 and integrating into 2130 VBIOS then flashing it .. eve though 2130 as is has no issues for me!
(I have some other thing to test .. read on and you will see what it is)
Also, I've briefly posted some stuff on NBR forums .. but will repeat myself here.
Second batch of module comparisons turned out to be less stressful
Here is my research results for the second batch:
#5336451 - Pastie
Here is this report combined with the first batch I've done yesterday:
#5336457 - Pastie
What I've concluded so far:
1. "Enable Discrete AMD VGA fixed mode Support" - this is only a babble and nothing more. Why ?
ATI VBIOSes for Quanta boards (DIS graphics)
ActiveBios.efi (switching between VBIOSes I believe ?)
All of the above haven't changed a bit! Zero changes from A04 to A07.
The only thing that has changed is DSDT.AML .. which therefore proves that "fixed" mode is driver-dependent .. I've already explained what were the changes to DSDT in Vostro 3450 thread.. basically driver is forced to attach LVDS through AMD DIS if the "fixed" mode is set.. a 8 bit register (possibly BRID) is used to store this state.. which in hand means that there's no way to set AMD as primary GFX unless we have an option to write to this register through SMB protocol .. same deal applies for Optimus I believe ..
2. "Implement new Fresco USB 3.0 module support" - they have changed the SystemUsbBusDxe.efi module and almost didn't touch XHCI one .. so I wonder how this works? Actually I don't as I have zero issues with my FL1009 in A04 so it's filthy lies.
3. "Enter S3 and then flash BIOS in OS,system will enter S3 after shutdown" - PlatformS3SaveDxe.efi has been rewritten for this. But this has nothing to do with sleep issue in OSX as I've alread ytried backporting it to A13..
4. "There are some BIOS options will auto-disable after doing some action." - say what ? Ok probably some Setup modules cganged for this ..
5. "Can't Coldboot to USB 3.0 ODD when set CD/DVD as first boot device in BIOS" - are there even USB 3.0 Optical Disc Drives and why would one use US3.0 to conenct one? Same as (2.)
6. "The 3rd place bootable device will change to "disable" after some action." - BootManager and BootMenu changes ..
7. "USB HDD without electric power can't boot from USB 3.0 port" you quite didn't fix this but rather broke it .. I can't boot my Passport after A07 but can with A04.
8. They changed
one byte in SystemXhciDxe.efi to implement proper XHCI BIOS Handoff
9. "System can't boot EPSA via press "Fn+PowerButton" " - DellDa and DellDiag .. also ReadyToBoot probably ...
10. "Brightness hotkey loss pop up after flash BIOS " - what the flipping heck are you people smoking when writing these changelogs ???
11. "Disable unused port" - PlatformSetup and Smm for sure.
12. "update ePSA to C_PG4213" - aha ... SystemDiagnosticSummaryScreenDxe and DellPsa ...but do I even need this?
I will sum up what are the modules that changed from A04 to A07 for Vostro 3450:
Probably only one of the modules that was changed is causing wake issues for OSX .. need to track it down by narrowing the amount of modules. For this I need input from L502x and L702x users... please see if you have chnages in the modules from the list below.
This will allow to determine what are the changes specific to my model and what were the changes across all (excet L511z) Tiano-based machines.
PlatformSetupAdvancedDxe.efi CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86_1_1073.ROM +
SystemFormBrowser2Dxe.efi BF646364-2ECE-4D9F-84C7-C33F28689363_1_1027.ROM +
Freeform 1547B4F3-3E8A-4FEF-81C8-328ED647AB1A_1_413.ROM +
SystemSmmUsbLegacySmm.efi EF33C296-F64C-4146-AD04-347899702C84_1_1138.ROM +++
SystemBootManagerDxe.efi 73DAB30F-3F9C-4160-B064-439CE16C3EDE_1_1090.ROM +
INTEL SNB VBIOS 29206FC2-9EAB-4612-ACA1-1E3D098FB1B3_1_951.ROM + 2098->2104
MpCpu.efi 62D171CB-78CD-4480-8678-C6A2A797A8DE_1_602.ROM +++
SystemVariableDxe.efi 793CBEA0-DA56-47F2-8264-24310CB75196_1_74.ROM +++
Freeform 221521AE-0A35-44CD-B580-5AEDBB770B1D_1_431.ROM + (minor)
SystemBootMenuDxe.efi 86488440-41BB-42C7-93AC-450FBF7766BF_1_1095.ROM +
DellDa.efi 8A3669E3-ABCB-4899-8492-82E22E91C793_1_1063.ROM +
DSDT.AML 7E374E25-8E01-4FEE-87F2-390C23C606CD_1_943.ROM + BRID
SystemXhciDxe.efi 949822BC-26D3-4BC6-954B-F2C581342DE1_1_273.ROM ++ (offset 5959h 0x20 -> 0x24)
PlatformDxe.efi 2D6F37BF-9AFC-4AA5-A026-32B2FCF30FB9_1_881.ROM ++ (offset 168Eh 0x34 -> 0x37; offset 1695h 0x33 -> 0x39; offset 169Bh 0x35 -> 0x30)
SystemDiagnosticSummaryScreenDxe.efi C82919D6-33FD-43ED-800C-635A3369D0F3_1_146.ROM + (unicode string changed: Sep 20 2011 -> Mar 25 2011)
DellDiag.efi 811FBFF3-BD1A-4D65-8A76-B41F58F91F9E_1_1133.ROM +
PlatformSetup.efi A4F2909C-5E2A-438A-91BA-272B0923049A_1_907.ROM +
SystemUsbBusDxe.efi 240612B7-A063-11D4-9A3A-0090273FC14D_1_947.ROM ++++
PlatformSmm.efi CB73C3D9-2F01-4342-AE67-04DDE5264092_1_912.ROM ++
SystemAhciBusSmm.efi B31FF060-8363-11DF-8395-0800200C9A66_1_235.ROM +++
SystemRtcRt.efi 378D7B65-8DA9-4773-B6E4-A47826A833E1_1_1002.ROM +++++
DellMfgBoardDxe.efi F2012072-7493-451B-9B02-106FC694D764_1_1022.ROM + (offset AD6h 0x0B -> ox08)
SystemFlashCommunicationSmm.efi B9CABA9B-E5C5-41DC-86E2-E7CEF87B81CB_1_103.ROM + (inflated from 3.5Kb to 7.93Kb!!)
SystemSecureFlashSleepTrapSmm.efi FCE47C4E-5ECC-4A41-B90E-0BAB09968D02_1_942.ROM +
DellReadyToBoot.efi C0330B04-CBB8-4CCF-B45B-C7DBD943782B_1_976.ROM +
SSDT-3.AML 76AED82E-77DE-42CA-8C27-E9D71DF606C7_0_665.ROM + (adds support for External GFX0.DD02 - switching AMD to LVDS)
DellIdReadyToBoot.efi 12BBC12D-BADE-4FDE-BB22-01A3C6F693E0_1_1036.ROM + (holds bios version and model number in unicode strings)
PlatformS3SaveDxe.efi 51D4BACC-E70A-4136-9426-546973ED938C_1_892.ROM ++++ (even though I've tried backporting it already..)
InitialProgramLoadDxe.efi 3E4A9DAB-5601-448F-A590-58C13EB0E992_1_1068.ROM +++
SystemFlashCommunicationDxe.efi 546AD295-0C64-4CE6-A06F-FB9CD04B41CD_1_98.ROM ++
It's only about 30 modules to check and you don't even need to spend your time by looking around for GUIDs and correspodning names. Copy just the first part of the .ROM name which is the actual GUID. The modules that have _1_ in their names are the ones you need to look at.
Found one module which is:
- Identical (only 2 bytes differ) for Vostro 3450 A04 and XPS 15z A11 - no sleep/wake issues
- Identical for Vostro 3450 A07 and XPS L502x A12 - with sleep issues
The module is InitialProgramLoadDxe.efi - 3E4A9DAB-5601-448F-A590-58C13EB0E992
While looking at identical modules between V3450 A04 and 15z from the list of modules I had posted previously (noted with + as changes across versions) none of the modules turned out to math .. BUT THIS ONE !
And .. I guess this is exactly the module we are looking for .. it's UEFI IPL Driver which basically is a layer between PEI and DXE modules. I'ts not a PEI itself nor is it a DXE either ..
I don't feel like annoying my roommates by "beeping" through bios flashing, but I will definitely try backporting InitialProgramLoadDxe.efi from A04 into A13 to see if this solves sleep issues!
@kasar, please confirm if this driver has also changed for L502x going from A06 to A09.