I do not know how to use that tool, but there was a window in chrome, where I said select the file to update the bios, select the .HDR file, uppercase and an error saying: you have not selected any hdr file, and it was downloaded an .exe file
I ran it and nothing bios update failed, then I did the same thing again just put .hdr in lowercase at the end of the file and repeated the entire process and again failed update.
From what I see, I only have to put the Q9650 because you can not help me with that bios, which is from you.
So I have an Old USFF Ultra Small Form Factor 780 with no video card in it. With a core duo. What are my options as the x3363 xeon does not have an onboard cpu. Whats the potential max processor that this will run that has onchip graphics?
(05-12-2019, 11:04 PM)DeathBringer Wrote: Xeon 3300 series and Core 2 Quad (Q8xx0 & Q9xx0) are recommended.
Dear DeathBringer,
When I use the stock version A15 BIOS on my 780 USFF with X3363 (SLBC3), the machine gives me:
"Alert! Incompatible processor detected. System Halted" without any options to by bypass the screen.
I went on to try your Quad_v2 bios file on it (thanks). And now it gives:
"System does not support the installed processor..."
But allows me to press F1 to continue. The system information in the BIOS setup screen does show X3363 with Processor ID 1067A, but the microcode version shows 0. I also found that the Virtualization switch is missing (the VT-d switch is there, however)... and the system fan seems to be at full speed all the time even Windows boot up fine.
Could you please advice what is missing and help to create a BIOS file that could enable this CPU in full?
05-21-2019, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2019, 12:25 PM by zeckill.)
(05-21-2019, 11:19 AM)DeathBringer Wrote: zeckill
Make a screenshot of regedit with expanded key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0