First of all the computer data:
Lenovo 3000 N500 4233 with HDMI
Phoenix Version 1.09.
This computer has a 9300m gs GPU and its idle temp is 70°C
I discovered why after changing the thermal pads and after an accurate monitoring of the temp.
My CPU is a T9400 and its idle temp is 33 - 35°C. The fan is only controlled with the CPU temp, the PC doesn't take care of GPU temp.
So if the CPU is under 41°C the fan is OFF! Even if GPU is 70°C.
Do I need to modify the bios to decrease the CPU temps in order to switch on the fan at 33°C?
In fact it's my son computer and he is always playing games that use the GPU and it sometimes reach 105°C!!!!!!!!
I have allready underclocked the GPU (max temp is then 95°C but it is still too much), no way to undervolt it!
First of all the computer data:
Lenovo 3000 N500 4233 with HDMI
Phoenix Version 1.09.
This computer has a 9300m gs GPU and its idle temp is 70°C
I discovered why after changing the thermal pads and after an accurate monitoring of the temp.
My CPU is a T9400 and its idle temp is 33 - 35°C. The fan is only controlled with the CPU temp, the PC doesn't take care of GPU temp.
So if the CPU is under 41°C the fan is OFF! Even if GPU is 70°C.
Do I need to modify the bios to decrease the CPU temps in order to switch on the fan at 33°C?
In fact it's my son computer and he is always playing games that use the GPU and it sometimes reach 105°C!!!!!!!!
I have allready underclocked the GPU (max temp is then 95°C but it is still too much), no way to undervolt it!