Will pay half now and half later for anyone who shows me how to get the password off the ROM dump, I know it is possible because iShell (a user here) did it.
Name your price. PM me for details
I can flash the BIOS to default settings (or any setting I choose) using a ROM file off the same machine/chipset without a BIOS password - using the method below.
However, I cannot remove the password itself. If I could find a way to pull the password hash from the ROM file/BIOS Dump through a hex editor then I could brute force or use hashcat, etc...
BIOS Newbies, please do talk about "Master Passwords", "Pulling the Battery", "Using CMOSPW, DE-ANIMATORv3, Ultimate Boot CD, or any freeware software, running a debug script, etc. etc. etc.
(03-09-2017, 02:38 PM)DeathBringer Wrote: I think it related to current password.
I tried on a few machines, no go. If you know how to do this please PM me, I will send you my cell and pay through paypal or however you want.
I have a limited time window, $500 if you can show me today, or if anyone can show me for that matter.
Just some info about me, I do not want you to think these are stolen in anyway shape or form.
I am a recycler, I get 1,000's of these units from multiple sources, many of the companies are bankrupt. I can't go back to the Old sys admin and ask for the password in most cases, some cases I can and do.
I can assure whoever helps me that these are not stolen. PM me if you know how to do this, I have receipts, invoices, anything you need. I will send you my cell phone, etc...
(03-10-2017, 01:46 PM)DeathBringer Wrote: Post here .ROM file with known password that you already sent me in PM.
BTW: your files afuwin.rom and CF.rom have the same password.