1. Copy and paste HP.XRM-MS certificate file into C-Drive. (This is Vista SLIC 2.0 Cert cos theres no 2.1 certs yet but its been confirmed as working)
2. After pasting this file into C-Drive, go to START - ALL PROGRAMS - ACCESSORIES - COMMAND PROMPT. Right click on Command Prompt and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
3. When Command Prompt opens, type at the prompt: slmgr.vbs -ilc c:\hp.xrm-ms and hit the Enter Button. Wait for the Script Host to answer you with a message that the license was installed successfully....this could take a few minutes and so be patient.
4. After receiving the message that the license was installed successfully, type at the command prompt: slmgr.vbs -ipk 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM (leaked ultimate oem key)Be Patient and wait for the message to say that the Product Key was sucessfully installed. After it says successfully installed, reboot the computer.
5. When you are back at your desktop, go to START - COMPUTER - right click on Computer and choose PROPERTIES and see if it is activated with an OEM product ID.
Hope this works for you