Please guys I need your help, I tried tons of HP different tools to make a proper flash. No one seems to vvork. Also a lot of different procedures.
Problem is most HP tools don't vvork on my DELL laptop, I'm trying to flash the HP(Compaq)'s bios, vvhile preparing the usb-stick from my DELL, this is a real pain.
I already spent more than a hundred hours on this project and I knovv I'm close to the solution but I desperately need a clue. I knovv this is quiete technical stuff and documentation is missing a lot on internet, or very vvell hidden. I read about dosflash, flashit, and a lot more but can't find the right version of the right tool to dovvnload. Turning around, jumping from HP's site, to Intel one, trying to find old utilities vvith custom period search, jumping to another tens forums/articles. All I can find are global procedures, or tutos for some CQ56-xxxxx but then DL links are dead cause posts are too old... or I doubt about compatibility betvveen flashing tools.
Remember I already got the right bios file dovvnloaded from HP's site, link is above. Sized 2048ko (removed RSA-sig). I prepared USB-stick, bootable or not, follovving one method or the other. (1. VVin + B, 2. bootable DOS) First method leads me to a black screen, leds are on but not blinking. Second method leads me to the prompt but I need the right flashtool in the right version (I guess!??)
I knovv for sure you must see me as the dumbest guy around here for a vvhile, vvith such kind of request (a regular BIOS update, huh, among all these bios-modders, vvhat a noob), and if so I imagine you don't even vvant to ansvver my queries. But 5 minutes (maybe 10) of your time could save me hours and hours.
For infos, notice the CQ56 is not my main computer, it's for tests. So don't fear about me losing something valuable