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HP Envy x360 flash utility
You're welcome!

And yes, there is lots there, that you don't get onto the USB. And I couldn't create that USB with the files named properly with extensions etc, so I had to ask you to give them to me if you wanted me to check. I have all the files, just without names or extensions, as you can see in second image above I can extract all those files but they have names like you see @b33 without extension. I can rename as I extract, but that doesn't help when it's a blind extract, only ones I know easily are the BIOS file due to it's 16MB size and the CMD file

Once you get it back you'll want to roll back to older BIOS correct? I assume they wont do that as I mentioned, so yes we'll probably still have to do this dance. Send me all the files the exe gives you for recovery onto your USB. Put those in a zip and I'll check them over and see if we can use that to for in F17.

Is the CPU on this system Intel or AMD?
(12-16-2018, 10:59 PM)Lost_N_BIOS Wrote: You're welcome!  

And yes, there is lots there, that you don't get onto the USB.  And I couldn't create that USB with the files named properly with extensions etc, so I had to ask you to give them to me if you wanted me to check.  I have all the files, just without names or extensions, as you can see in second image above I can extract all those files but they have names like you see @b33 without extension.  I can rename as I extract, but that doesn't help when it's a blind extract, only ones I know easily are the BIOS file due to it's 16MB size and the CMD file

Once you get it back you'll want to roll back to older BIOS correct?  I assume they wont do that as I mentioned, so yes we'll probably still have to do this dance.  Send me all the files the exe gives you for recovery onto your USB.  Put those in a zip and I'll check them over and see if we can use that to for in F17.

Is the CPU on this system Intel or AMD?

As discussed I PMed you with BIOS usb key.
This is AMD Ryzen crap, no more, thanks.
Pls, check the files and let me know how you see it develop... 
Wow, that is a lot of repeating of the same crap in there! Big Grin Now I can see where all those 1KB files and 1.1-1.5MB files were in the UCP app, all this same stuff.

Along with RSA Signed BIOS, you cannot modify that usually, the BIOS itself I mean, so I doubt we can make any changes to the BIOS. But flashing in a BIOS and edits to that process or it's files are not part of that protection, so let me take a look and get back to you on this.

Did you order CH341A flash programmer and SOIC8 test clip cable yet? If not, order now, takes 3-5 weeks to arrive usually, costs around $6 total or less and then you never have to worry about BIOS issue again, can put on whatever you want.
(12-22-2018, 04:46 AM)Lost_N_BIOS Wrote: Wow, that is a lot of repeating of the same crap in there! Big Grin  

Yep, folders repeat the stuff 3 times almost in full.
Programmer? Thought about it... but to do this you need to pull BIOS chip, disassemble the whole laptop, isn't that right? didn't see the BIOS, must be underneath. For MOBO's... no such need as most manuf. provide for up- and down-grade anyway you want, unlike laptops.
The key issue is allowing flashing with previous BIOS versions.
I don't need that to pull BIOS, but it is always better to have to dump BIOS with, and it makes it 10000% times easier to program in any edited BIOS, not to mention instant recovery from any failed BIOS flash/tests etc. Yes, you would need physical access to the BIOS chip, sometimes this is easily accessed by taking off bottom panels, other times you might need to remove the entire bottom

I cannot do anything with the stuff you sent from USB, it's all encrypted and aside from the AFU EFI Flash file the rest is only multiples of the BIOS and signature files. It looks to me like all commands given are set/passed off in windows to from the regular flash process.

I can edit the default exe, and insert F17 BIOS instead of the F19 or F18 (I forget which it was you hated/latest). but, due to RSA signature checking that may fail too, which is why I asked if you had recovery tools yet or not.
Editing the exe won't do anything if bypassing the signature file isn't possible. At this stage removing bios chip is not an option. I know that having a programmer would make things easy... provided bios chip is easily accessible.
I will put in F17 or whatever signature files, worth trying anyway since this is AMD so you can't use Intel FPT and you can't find a compatible AFU.

No need to remove BIOS chip? Using programmer you can leave BIOS in place, you will use a SOIC8 test clip cable to connect to the BIOS while it's still on the board.
I did mix different signatures with different bioses, didn't work.
Yeah, I just saw the clip, nice. Will look into that.
Will get the programmer, takes 2-3 days.
Found BIOS chip (it even says BIOS1 above the chip), looks typical, check it out. Attached.

Can you point me to the programmer howto/instructions/resource? I'd like to get familiar with the process before I order the programmer.
Since this is, as per your words, the most straightforward way of flashing I'd definitely look into that. Can't wait :-)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I think maybe mixing how I would do is different, since I will edit the actual installer in the same way the BIOS was created and can edit the install command lines etc. I need some time to get caught up before I can do this though, will try to do this in next day or two

Junjo has added a nice image guide on how to use/setup CH341A here
And then I also know this textual guide -

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