Config: i7 2600 (non K), Asrock B75M GL, Dual DDR3 1600.
My problem is that this motherbond only shows me 1333Mhz maximum for memory, there is no 1600 or higher. I've made a dump of bios, please look at it, maybe there is a chance to activate higher memory frequencies.
I've already used Amibcp and set requiered fields to "USER", but it doesn't work. I've set up memory freq to 1600mhz in Amibcp, but memory still works on 1333Mhz
My problem is that this motherbond only shows me 1333Mhz maximum for memory, there is no 1600 or higher. I've made a dump of bios, please look at it, maybe there is a chance to activate higher memory frequencies.
I've already used Amibcp and set requiered fields to "USER", but it doesn't work. I've set up memory freq to 1600mhz in Amibcp, but memory still works on 1333Mhz