researching BIOS
I have found:
0x145B2 Subtitle: Internal Graphic Device {02 04 21 02}
0x145B6 Subtitle: {02 04 C6 00}
0x145BA Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x145BD Variable 0x80[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 80 00 01 02 00}
0x145C4 Variable 0x81[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 81 00 01 01 00}
0x145CB And {15 02}
0x145CD Setting: RC6 (Render Standby), Variable: 0x1AB[1] {05 09 AB 01 01 25 02 26 02}
0x145D6 Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 09 E7 00 00 00 00 00 00}
0x145DF Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 {09 09 E8 00 01 00 01 00 00}
0x145E8 End of Options {10 02}
0x145EA End If {18 02}
variable 0x80 is
0x12603 Setting: User Access Level, Variable: 0x80 [1] {05 09 80 00 01 FE 00 FF 00}
0x1260C Option: View Only, Value: 0x2 {09 09 00 01 02 00 00 00 00}
I did it, but I haven't figured out where to include the 0x81 variable. I can, of course, correct the code and where the 81 variable is checked, set it to 0.
If you can, please give me a link to the utility in which you edit the BIOS, such as I did not find in your screenshot.
list of forms that are present in the file:
Form Sets
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Offset: Title:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
0x11E20 Exit (0x14E)
0x11F50 System Configuration (0x58)
0x12570 Security (0xFA)
0x12660 Main (0xC5)
0x127D0 Power (0x380)
0x12DF0 Advanced (0x178)
0x9DAE0 Debug (0x4E5)
0x9F310 Main (0x4)
0x9F5D0 Diagnostics (0x3F)
the last 4 forms are hidden and are not displayed in the BIOS. The second form "Main" 0х4 is the most interesting, it has the ability to include "Debug", though I don't know which. If I change the window code (0xC5 to 0x4 and vice versa), will another "Main" window be called?
IT WORKED! I got another bookmark "main"!
now it remains to figure out under what conditions the inclusion of "debug" will be displayed
and theoretically, by changing the identifier of one bookmark to the identifier of the "debug" tab, I can see it .... plow and plow
trick failed
swapped the identifiers of the "Debug" and "Diagnostics" tabs and changed only the name of the tab to "debug" and the contents remained from diagnostics