01-25-2022, 02:53 AM
I tried the /GAN command on Administrator using AFUWIN 3.04 But it still won't flash.
Then i learned something new using AFUWIN 5.06 with the /P /B /K and it fails again on Verification. Here is what the CMD says.
Reading Flash ........... Done
- System Secure Flash......... Enabled
- FFS Checksums ............ Pass
- Check RonLayout ............ Pass
Loading File to Verify Memory .......Done
18- Error: Secure Flash Rom Verify Fail.
I tried the /GAN command on Administrator using AFUWIN 3.04 But it still won't flash.
Then i learned something new using AFUWIN 5.06 with the /P /B /K and it fails again on Verification. Here is what the CMD says.
Reading Flash ........... Done
- System Secure Flash......... Enabled
- FFS Checksums ............ Pass
- Check RonLayout ............ Pass
Loading File to Verify Memory .......Done
18- Error: Secure Flash Rom Verify Fail.