sems i have W25x80 (001300EF) and the flupdate.cfg is not working
# Winbond W25x80
# ---------------
FLASH_ID = 0x13EF # Device ID & Manufacture
FLASH_SIZE = 1024 # (1M) Flash size in KBytes
SECTOR_DEF = 256:4K # 256 sectors of 4K
# The format is: n
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# n - number of sectors
# s - size of sectors
BLOCK_SIZE = 64 # (64K) block size in Kbytes. If block erase is not supported then
# block size should be equal to FLASH_SIZE
PAGE_SIZE = 256 # Page size in bytes
PROG_SIZE = 0xFF # Max number of bytes that can be program at on time. FF --> means page size
READ_DEV_ID_TYPE = 0 # Read Device ID type.
# There are two ways to read the flash ID (depending on the flash type).
# A. Send the "Read ID" op-code, send 3 dummy address bytes and then read the ID bytes
# B. Send the "Read ID" op-code and immediately read the ID bytes.
# When the value in this field is 0x47, method B is used. Otherwise
# (any other value) method A is used.
# Define spi Flash commands
# --------------------------
CMD_READ_DEV_ID = 0x90 # Read device ID command.
CMD_WRITE_STAT_EN = 0x06 # Enable write to status register
CMD_WRITE_EN = 0x06 # Write enable
CMD_READ_STAT = 0x05 # Read status register
CMD_WRITE_STAT = 0x01 # Write status register
CMD_PROG = 0x02 # Page program, or byte program.
CMD_SECTOR_ERASE = 0x20 # Sector erase
CMD_BLOCK_ERASE = 0xD8 # Block erase
# Define device busy bits in status register
# -------------------------------------------
STATUS_BUSY_MASK = 0x01 # Location (by mask) of busy bit located in the status register
STATUS_REG_VAL = 0x00 # Value of status register busy bit , when device is not busy.
# The device is considered not busy when:
# [status register value] & STATUS_BUSY_MASK = STATUS_REG_VAL
# Define the protected sectors.
# -----------------------------
#PROTECTED_SECTORS = 0-4 # Protected sectors (0 to 4)