I'll give it a shot, Happy 4th btw! My steps were very simple after that patched Insyde EXE you provided
1. Load the still encrypted 01592f0E.Bin (unpacked from HPs SP file) into Andy's new 1.9B2 Phoenix tool. this version is required as it is the first that has allowed me to access it while encrypted and repacks it. Andy also stated in the notes it works with hp efi encryption. I entered no slic, maintain module size, and Allow users to modify other modules, do not alter slic table, and kept it in dynamic mode.
2. Hit go
3. When prompted I could go into the DUMP directory and modify my modules I entered the white list(listed in the .rom in an earlier post) with HxD Hex editor, found the most similar 8 digit device ID: 86 00 87 00 86 00 01 13 and changed 2 characters resulting in: 86 80 2C 42 86 80 01 13
4. I Used the Insydeflash.exe package you gave me that was patched, deleted the .bin that was included in it, and put in the efi .bin andy's tool repacked, renamed it to 01592F0E.BIN and ran the patched Insydeflash.exe
5. the EFI gave me a Cmos checksum error and prompted me to reboot by hitting enter.
6. Complete! Now I can shut down, reboot, no errors, it just boots like a champ!
Is the new one you want me to try a full removal of the white list check?
http://www.mediafire.com/?08lrsrnm9vf1dv8 This is the complete package that I ran, including the patched insydeflash you gave me and my modified white list .bin allowing for a standard intel 6200 oem wifi card you can get on amazon, one of the best you can get for this system right now considering it only has 2 antennas.
http://www.mediafire.com/?w65fbbb5ixlifc8 I uploaded Andy's new beta tool that can actually open HP packaged Bios, Thank the man on MDL if it works well for you!