I could not resist to see the 9650M GT in front of me without being able to use. So, I decided to flash the bios with the mod bios (based on 210version) from Jommoner above.
So far, everything is working 100% less the brightness of the screen. In windows the brightness only goes until 50%, but if i press fn+F6 during the bios post, or on bios environement, i can set the brightness as i want. So, when i start my laptop, i have to set the brightness during the post.
As is known, the fan is always in full speed. I'm trying to find a solution for this problem. I'm almost sure i'm not going to solve the problem via the bios because i don't know how i can mod it. I just hope I can find a program in Windows environment able to control the fan.
Edit for modders think :
The fan speed is controled by the main bios. So, i think that the fact of the fan is always in full speed could had 2 reasons:
1º-The main bios can't read the info from the graphic card, so needed to be mooded.
2º-The graphic card send information about temp but the the bios can't read it.
The problem could be in main bios or in graphic card bios. So, if "we" (i say "we" because i don't know anything about modding
) mod the graphic card bios to "speak" the same language of the main bios, "we" maybe can solve the problem.
Is it right? or i'm a dreamer?