Hi All ,
I will be busy for the next 2 or 3 days and have just uploaded all finished mods for requests in PHOENIX section for this reason ...... aslo i don`t want you to wait for me .... we all will solve this and unlock the BIOS soon , i`m sure from this .
here is somethings to try :-
---This is where menus are initialized in Jkbuha`s BIOS ........ the first marked instruction is the one calling the ADVANCED tab ( which has disappeared as i noped this instruction ) .
and the second marked one is a menus as well but haven`t tried noping this instruction to knew what menu is it .
--------- i think you see that after these instructions is lea instruction for CFEF94C4.......etc which is the name of your setup module !

---------- double click on the advanced menu instruction ( double click on the qword_3FB90 ) then you will be directed to this pic .
-- the q_word marked by yellow is the advanced menu and the one above it is the other menus which i don`t knew its name .
-- the other q_word found under the advanced menu ....... some of them are menus and the others are not .
------- then you will go down slowly and find more q_word which some of them are menus till you reach the UNICODE and sure this is not a menu .
-- the next two q_word after the UNICODE string may be menus .......... but after these 2 you will not find any valid things for menus .
what i`m managing to do is replacing the ADVANCED tab calling instruction :-
at offset 414A0
lea rcx , qword_3F9B0
replace the 3F9B0 with another one from what we have found in this pic :-
for example we the 3F9B0 with 3F9A0 or 3FA00 or any other one .
if we replaced the ADVANCED tab with a hidden tab , the hidden tab will appear and we get this BIOS unlocked .
sure the final mod will not replace the ADVANCED tab but we try first to see the hidden menus .
for you KASAR , you setup utility has the same structure but not the same offests , its easy to try it as well .
i will be back in 3 days to continue with you , and post any results here to let me knew any news .
aslo , you are free if you want to wait for me to modify it but i told my self that i don`t want you to wait more time