(12-14-2011, 11:40 AM)sany16 Wrote: Asus P8H67-M Slic 2.1 modification please!
-Motherboard Manufacturer and Model : ASUS P8H67-M
-Bios Revision : P8H67-M 0807 BIOS
-Bios Type : AMI
-Bios SLIC : Requesting ASUS 2.1
-Bios Link : http://support.asus.com/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=P8H67-M&p=1&s=39
simple mod
Perrmanent method
1. flash the original BIOS P8H67-M-ASUS-0807.ROM
2. click P8H67-M-ASUS-0807 PERMANENT.exe - create USB-stick
3. Boot to DOS using USB-Stick
4. Type command BIOSMOD, press
5. again flash the original BIOS P8H67-M-ASUS-0807.ROM
6. check the presence of Slic
Perrmanent method provides constant presence SLIC does not corrupt yours BIOS
The further flashes official BIOS do not touch SLIC
Before application "PERMANENT" flash official BIOS. This mod does not change version BIOS. After mod flash those versions which want.