No, they don't really look identical to me ..
they aren't in fact identical at all for the most part.
On a side note ... I've awakened the Devil here .. my brain is toast.
I've initially started comparing A12 for L502 and L511 but turns out bioses are quite different therefore almost every module has diff on these two machines. So I went ahead and got A04 (which has no sleep/wake issues in OSX) and A07 which has problems .. and so do all the later versions.
So I've dismantled the capsule and arranged all the modules by size and started going through A04 and A07 modules side by side using Araxis Merge...
So far I've checked 110 modules (incuding freeforms and firmware volumes) ... the complete list is here:
The modules which had changes to them are marked with a series of + signs .. the more there are.. the more important I fell is the module to this issue.
I want guys with L502 go through A06 and the follow up version of the BIOS and compare the modules I've noted with '+' in their XPS BIOSES to see which changed for XPS L502 and which were specific to my Vostro, because version A07 has had a lot of fixes for my machine .. so many modules were affected.
* A07 10/3/2011 Changelog:
1.Enable Discrete AMD VGA fixed mode Support
2.Implement new Fresco USB 3.0 module support
3.Enter S3 and then flash BIOS in OS,system will enter S3 after shutdown.
4.There are some BIOS options will auto-disable after doing some action.
5.Can't Coldboot to USB 3.0 ODD when set CD/DVD as first boot device in BIOS
6.The 3rd place bootable device will change to "disable" after some action.
7.USB HDD without electric power can't boot from USB 3.0 port.
8.Does not implement XHCI BIOS Handoff Correctly
9.System can't boot EPSA via press "Fn+PowerButton"
10.Brightness hotkey loss pop up after flash BIOS
11.Disable unused port 12.update ePSA to C_PG4213
The most probable to cause the sleep wake issue as known by behavior in OSX are USB/RTC/AHCI related modules:
These are the ones I'm interested to verify if XPS also had them changed across A06 and the later bios version which broke wake functionality.
Please cooperate
I still have like 200+ modules remaining to check .. but that's for later.