(12-13-2010, 06:49 PM)1234s282 Wrote: Thanks for all the confirmations and screenshots!
As stated further up the post , I cant test this was i dont own the motherboard but i am really glad its working for everyone
@singhnandsachita: You have probably set the FSB too high for your current cooling system to cope with , unplug pc from the mains , remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard , wait a good 10-15 minutes then put it back in and load all bios defaults and you should be good
hi admin
still not above 226 fsb on 227 fsb it freezes in my case but running well on 225
[/color] Simple way to get flash with o.c. bios
see te attachment below
i am posting the utility which is auto run before running one must be prepared for flashing as soon you run this file it flash the bios with original version 1.A0
now the trick after the flashing the machine ask for reboot reboot it and if all is well and you login the window after flashing
go to C:\Program Files\Setup Files\Ms7142v1A0 folder and place the over clocked bios in this folder now delete the bios file named "W7142VMS.1A0 " .after that rename the downloaded over clocked bios as "W7142VMS.1A0"
now in the same folder there is "MSISetup.exe" run this and bios flashing begins again but this time you will have oc feature & get ready to enjoy all the hidden features of this mother board on reboot
enjoy @ your own risk
Auto run utility below
download the attachment extract from zip now ready @ own risk..........