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trying to modify acer 5536G bios
This is the correct modified bios for the ACER 5536G AND 5536 a well ( both have the same JV50 motherboard and the same bios files names ... so i think its the same ) :-

Flash it and i`m waiting your reply .

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Smile
incredible work, I thought they
would never see the overdrive on
my laptop, everything is perfect.
Tomorrow I go catch of success.
5536G model differs only in a
chip embedded under the dash to
Best of the changes is the
temperature q 87 'under a 53'
and the graphics are more fluid
with the overdrive option
Thanks for confirming,

Moved to unlocked /mod

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Smile
Not working for Windows 7.
Slic version is 2.0.
Need version 2.1.
(04-30-2011, 11:38 PM)kizwan Wrote: As far as I know, routines in TEMPLAT00.ROM are only to control the menu behavior. For example Virtualization menu has a routine which check the processor capability. If the processor doesn't support virtualization, the Virtualization menu will not visible in BIOS menu.
Example (Aspire 9420):-
Intel® Virtualization Technology
loc 0913: 00 14 C6 02 C8 02 AC 28 A1 28 8B 28 96 28 88 02
loc 0923: 8C 04 8E 04

00 Pick Field
14 Length
C6 02 - Offset in strings (item)
C8 02 - Offset in strings (description)
AC 28 A1 28 8B 28 96 28 - (routines offsets - control the menu behavior)
8C 04 - Offset in strings (Disabled) <-- these two are the available options you can select
8E 04 - Offset in strings (Enabled)

In the above example, there are 4 routines (AC 28, A1 28, 8B 28 & 96 28). Lets look to the first routine at offset 0x28AC:-
seg000:28AC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:28AC push bp
seg000:28AD mov bp, sp
seg000:28AF call sub_28B4
seg000:28B2 pop bp
seg000:28B3 retf
seg000:28B4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
seg000:28B4 sub_28B4 proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:28AFp
seg000:28B4 mov ax, 285h
seg000:28B7 call far ptr 0F000h:296Ch
seg000:28BC jz short loc_28C3
seg000:28BE mov ax, 0
seg000:28C1 jmp short locret_28C6
seg000:28C3 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
seg000:28C3 loc_28C3: ; CODE XREF: sub_28B4+8j
seg000:28C3 mov ax, 13h
seg000:28C6 locret_28C6: ; CODE XREF: sub_28B4+Dj
seg000:28C6 retn
seg000:28C6 sub_28B4 endp
The instruction mov ax, 13h is basically hide the menu while mov ax, 0 will make it visible. This is the part where the routine read the register 0x285:-
seg000:28B4 mov ax, 285h
seg000:28B7 call far ptr 0F000h:296Ch
This line telling to jump to location (offset) 0x28C3 when the condition met (skipping the mov ax, 0 instruction):-
seg000:28BC jz short loc_28C3
The TOKEN ID is the location of the Media table in ROMEXEC0x.ROM (if I'm not mistaken. hasn't explore this myself yet). The Media table contain the default settings & probably locations to the rest of the routines.
(Sorry, I'm not very good with assembly language. This is the best I can do.)

I believe the routines which make the option does works are in BIOSCOD0x.ROM modules. This is part of the routine which enabled/disabled Virtualization in Aspire 9420's BIOS (BIOSCOD6.ROM):-
seg000:C3FD mov ecx, 3Ah ; ':'
seg000:C403 rdmsr
seg000:C405 mov ebx, eax
seg000:C408 mov ax, 285h
seg000:C40B call far ptr 0F000h:296Ch
seg000:C410 jz short loc_C42E
seg000:C412 mov ax, 288h
seg000:C415 call far ptr 0F000h:296Ch
seg000:C41A jz short loc_C42E
seg000:C41C or ebx, 4
seg000:C420 mov ax, 2A6h
seg000:C423 call far ptr 0F000h:296Ch
seg000:C428 jz short loc_C42E
seg000:C42A or ebx, 2
seg000:C42E loc_C42E: ; CODE XREF: sub_C3E5+2Bj
seg000:C42E ; sub_C3E5+35j ...
seg000:C42E mov eax, ebx
seg000:C431 test al, 1
seg000:C433 jnz short loc_C43B
seg000:C435 or eax, 1
seg000:C439 wrmsr
seg000:C43B loc_C43B: ; CODE XREF: sub_C3E5+11j
seg000:C43B ; sub_C3E5+16j ...
seg000:C43B popad
seg000:C43D retn
seg000:C43D sub_C3E5 endp
This part where it read register 0x288 (the TOKEN ID):-
seg000:C412 mov ax, 288h
seg000:C415 call far ptr 0F000h:296Ch
seg000:C41A jz short loc_C42E
If register 0x288 is set to 1, it will jump to location 0xC42E.

I believe the STRINGS00.ROM is linked to TEMPLAT00.ROM, TEMPLAT00.ROM is linked to ROMEXEC0x.ROM & ROMEXEC0x.ROM is linked to BIOSCOD0x.ROM. So, at least you'll need to modify these modules if you want to add new options.

It looks impossible but if you able to study it, you could open more mods method. What I know is only just the tip of the iceberg. Please read this thread for more information:-
Decode Edit NVRAM Phoenix plus Setup Menu

(P/S: The person you contacted at MyDigitalLife forum is me. The same person. Smile)

Hi Kizwan,
Sorry if it 's not exactly the right topic, but it has been a challenge to find "a door" to contact you since my concern is about old topic and since a lot of this threads are close...
So, I the happy owner of an acer aspire 9423 that I already upgraded with the Intel dual core t7600 (replacing the t5500), the fastest one as I know for this series. I also found and flashed successfully my bios with your latest version "Aspire 9420 BIOS v1.24 MOD R9_4" that I downloaded on the topic you create at Notebook Review.
But since I could enable the virtualisation, I didn't get any hidden menu... maybe it's because of the processor? Do you have any idea?
Ps: I actually use setfsb with success, but I was hoping to be able to rise the multiplier over 14 since this proc has so big potential...
Thanks for your time Smile
Hi I have an ACER 5536G and I tried to flash your BIOS today as I was on the old V1.03 so V1.11 must have a lot of new fixes. The main reason I wanted to flash it is because it kept freezing on the windows 8 boot screen after the upgrade to 8.1. I assume some issue with resuming from sleep/hybrid hibernation.

I renamed your file to JV50.WPH and then made a bootable DOS USB and ran the command:

It brought up a GUI and made a lot of beeping noises. First it backed up the current BIOS, it then flashed your BIOS. The entire process took about 10 minutes and was very noisy (lots of system beeps). Upon completion it made a long beep and said that it was a success and to press any key to restart laptop or to power off. Playing it safe I held the power button, removed the USB and battery and DC then held the power button to clear out any power.

I plugged back in the battery and DC jack and pressed power and nothing came up on the screen, the laptop gets power but then no POST occurs. I think it is bricked, how do I recover the laptop? Since the flasher made a backup (I have no idea where? Does this have dual BIOS?) is there some way I can boot the backed up version? I got something called crisis disk from but i'm uncertain if the is the correct tool for this model.

Have used the tool to create a bootable USB from a very old 128MB usb I have. I put your file onto root as BIOS.WPH and booted the laptop while holding FN+ESC. The laptop displays nothing on the screen but the USB activity light blinks for roughly 10 minutes then it just stays solid. I left the laptop for an hr but it does nothing more, I held power off then removed USB and attempted to boot but same as before. It powers on but no POST.

What is the correct step I must take from here to regain the ability to boot the laptop. It is an old laptop I put an SSD in and gave on to my mother to use as she just does a lot of general internet surfing and doesn't need anything more powerful and it was pretty good for it's time. Does everything we need to. I had a look for the V1.03 BIOS but ACER only provide the V1.11 so it must be stable.


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