(11-29-2012, 08:41 AM)Sc0Rp1D Wrote: Hello I, and some people on Russian forum (http://ukrainianiphone.com/forum/index.p...opic=24683&st=360) created hackintosh for n56/n76.
Now we sent request to asus, for add function to disable intel hd4000 in bios. But i think they don't add it. Can you add this function?
There is a way to use just nvidia gfx.
Unlock those submenues and try with those parameters:
In Advanced change:
(0897) Boot VGA Controller Selection For
from Windows7/Vista to Others
In Chipset/Graphic Configuration change:
(04B6) Primary Display
from SG to PEG
(03BA) Internal Graphics
Please try and let me know.