(07-29-2014, 12:18 AM)PinkPartyPony Wrote: soooooooo...
The wireless cards in Lenovo u310 and u410 models really suck. So, you guys are trying to replace them. BUT, Lenovo decided to put whitelists in their BIOSs that only permit their wireless cards (that suck), so you guys are "hacking" the BIOSs and removing those white lists. But these white listed BIOSs are not interchangeable because if you don't flash 65CNWW BIOS with a corresponding 65CNWW BIOS the device will be bricked. You guys then get around this problem by having users provide BIOSs (from BIOS backup utilities) and mod those BIOSs them by replacing environment.dll with a custom version of environment.dll. You guys then bundle it with programs that run off a USB drive and flash the BIOS with the custom version.
Did I miss anything?
I call upon thee great tech wizzards to come to my aid. For I seek a BIOS without a list of white. My offering BIOS to you bears the marking 65CN21WW.
I actually have another question too. As long as the ## in 65CN##WW are the same I can treat the files interchangeably right?
Hi friend,
none has been able to bypass SecureFlash check so far and patching a dll It's not so easy as It can cause many Bricked Laptops !
So the way used is FPT Intel Tool to catch full control of Eeprom, but the manufacturers lately are locking all the features of FPT Write Protecting Eeprom modify !
About the Bios name structure form It seems that 65CN is the family latop so IdeaPad U310 - 410 and ## is the version realese e.g. 97 or 99 !!!
Flashing different versions don't cause a Laptop Brick, indeed produce an Downgrade or Upgrade !
You can Brick the laptop if use a Bios for another laptop family !!!
Now what do You want now, a Bios Mod for your Backup ?
We are using FPT Tool and Others tools too all packed in a generic Tool (It was crated by Shock and Akcent onMDL) which I modified and It permits to look all Eeprom status and get a Bios Backup doing by FPT and InsaydeFlash !
Universal Bios Backup is good, but many times gives a size file error and modifying it will cause a laptop brick !
Let me know what do You want, please !
A Bios Mod based on your Backup ?