Trying to enable AHCI on my Toughbook but without result.
I do the following...
Capture current bios using the AMI Aptio tool. Open captured image with AMIBCP and navigate to Debug -> SATA Configuration. In this section there is a 2 columns called Failsafe and Optimal. In bios have no option to select which one but anyway .. I try to change all options to AHCI and to enable all of the ports and a lot of other scenarios but still have no success.
Is there anybody who is most familiar with BIOS Modification just to give me some advice how to enable force the AHCI instruction.
The chipset I am sure support the AHCI it is ICH9-M
Thank you very much in advance for everybody.
Trying to enable AHCI on my Toughbook but without result.
I do the following...
Capture current bios using the AMI Aptio tool. Open captured image with AMIBCP and navigate to Debug -> SATA Configuration. In this section there is a 2 columns called Failsafe and Optimal. In bios have no option to select which one but anyway .. I try to change all options to AHCI and to enable all of the ports and a lot of other scenarios but still have no success.
Is there anybody who is most familiar with BIOS Modification just to give me some advice how to enable force the AHCI instruction.
The chipset I am sure support the AHCI it is ICH9-M
Thank you very much in advance for everybody.