(12-15-2014, 12:48 PM)amadews Wrote: Hy my name is georgin and i fave a lenovo T530 theat is now dead it has a pass on bios and i try to resete by short 2 pins on the bios chip now i gat a laptop theat give 5 beeps back ,i whana write back the bios fil but i cant find my bios file in rom format on the suport page its a exe file and a iso itri to extract the file but no luck so if anyone can help my whit lenovo t530 file in rom format is great
Hi friend,
I don't know where You read this thing about PWD Supervisor Reset !
It's wrote into Chipset memory and only way is to replace Chipset !
It suppose you have an HW SPIPGM so I need You read your Firmware on MoBo
and I will replace the corrupted Bios with a virgn one !
On your MoBo there are two chips, look into Laptop Schematics page 58 :
There could be :
64 MegaBits = 8 MegaBytes
MX25L6406EM2I-12G Macronix
W25Q64CVSSIG Winbond
N25Q064A13ESE40F Numonyx
32 MegaBits = 4 MegaBytes
MX25L3206EM2I-12G Macronix
W25Q32BVSSIG Winbond
N25Q032A13ESE40F Numonyx
So there are two Chips and You have to get FULL_DUMP doing a
complete dump of these ones !
Upload the result files here and I will mdify for You then I will
explain where is Bios Region and what I have done !
Let me know