(03-27-2010, 03:01 AM)vernaides Wrote: Oops. It turns out that mine's an Aspire T180 and not a E380 as I thought. They use the same bios though [I did an md5 hash check and a binary file compare--they're exactly the same].
In any case, i tried to flash it, but awdflash gives me an error about the bios string not matching...
I tried winflash, and it gives an error message:
"This file is no support BIOS Lock function"...
Any ideas?
if you think the bios is the same (I think your correct) follow these insctructions. Notice the /F i added to the flash string.
1. First, we need to prepare a bootable USB to launch DOS and flash the new BIOS. To do so, download the HP USB disk format tool and install it here
2. Once installed, open the utility and select the USB to format. Below, tick the bubble for creating an MSDOS startup disk. It will then want you to point it to a DOS image folder. You will need to download and unzip this DOS image (do NOT use your own DOS image) here Once it has completed formating your drive, open up the USB in My Computer. Verify that there are only three files on the USB, making sure to unhide protected operating system files in explorer to see them. If you see three DOS files, you are ready for the next phase.
3. Now we will copy over the ABIT BIOS image as well as the flash utility. You will need download AWDFLASH and copy it over to your USB here Once awdflash has been copied over, download the Bios image and save it to your usb from here
4. Once these files have been copied over, you are ready to flash. Reboot windows, and when the BIOS screen comes up hold down Esc and select your USB to boot off of. You will then see a WIN98 splashscreen temporarily flash and you will be in DOS. Once at the prompt, type in the following command:
awdflash M613Z_19.BIN /py /sn /cc / cd /cp /wb /r /f