Hello, I've searched all across google and it led to this wonderful website.
I learned quite a bit, I do not want to brick my laptop.
If someone verifies my current steps for errors, I will send you or this website money equivalent to a beer upon successful results.
To create the mod I opened the bios with AMIBCP and the only change I made was the fan temperature turn on point.
I changed the values of 55*c to 63*c
Should I be worried about the missing cd key? Should I manually reenter the cd key at hex offset 0035000?
I compared the modded and original bios in MMTOOL. The only difference with the two bios file was the AMITSE module.
I learned quite a bit, I do not want to brick my laptop.
If someone verifies my current steps for errors, I will send you or this website money equivalent to a beer upon successful results.
To create the mod I opened the bios with AMIBCP and the only change I made was the fan temperature turn on point.
![[Image: bios_change.png]](http://s15.postimg.org/n3mfk97t7/bios_change.png)
I changed the values of 55*c to 63*c
- Whenever resaving from the originally dumped bios file in AMIBCP, I noticed that the embedded windows cd key disappeared in resaved bios file. The windows key was normally found at hex offset "00350000". The data where cd key was present was replaced and blanked out into FF FF FF's
Should I be worried about the missing cd key? Should I manually reenter the cd key at hex offset 0035000?
I compared the modded and original bios in MMTOOL. The only difference with the two bios file was the AMITSE module.