Hey there all!
I have been redirected to here from another site, as you guys are the specialists in Phoenix BIOSes. My original goal was to get an NVME Samsung 970 EVO Pro work as the boot drive for this machine, as I couldn't find any AHCI drives for it.
We have tried to insert both nvmexpressdxe.ffs and nvmexpress_small.ffs in multiple ways, with UEFITool, MMTool, and others. With one edit I have been able to make the Windows 10 installer see the drive, and even install on it, but upon rebooting it throws the usual 2103 M.2 detection error.
However upon inspecting the dump with UEFItool, PE32 image extraction and IFR extractor we have found clues (I found setting "NVME Support" = Enables NVME remapping) in PlatformHiiAdvancedDxe (GUID:CFEF94C4-4167-466A-8893-8779459DFA86) that NVME support might have an option in Advanced Menu, that is hidden from the ordinary user. (which would mean that Lenovo developed this feature but they did not let it roll-out for some reason)
Could someone tell me how to unlock the hidden menu so I can tinker more with it?
Here is a clean BIOS dump made with an EEPROM programmer (CH341a/SOIC8)
Disclaimer: I am aware that I might brick it but who cares, I have a clean version and I have a flasher
