(11-04-2014, 04:53 AM)akismeg Wrote: good morning
any process?
Hi friend,
I have done two F.34 sp54843 versions (only for 0166C) :
1. Based on Bios Backup reflashing using FPT 8.1
2. Generalized Version reflashing using InsydeFlash.exe
Before flashing it needs to check Recovery Procedure on your Laptop so download this
HP tool to prepare an USB Stick and rename USB as HP_TOOLS :
Then download Recovery Files, unpack them into a folder and copy all files from It to USB root (C:\) :
Execute Recovery Procedure :
To recover the BIOS on your notebook using the USB key:
1.Plug the notebook into an AC adapter.
2.Insert the USB key with HP_Tools installed into an available USB port.
3.Press the Power button while holding the Windows key and the B key.
4.The emergency recovery feature replaces the BIOS with the version on the USB key.
The computer reboots automatically when the process is completed successfully.
You are now able to enter into the BIOS screens or Windows operating system after recovering the BIOS.
When You tested your Laptop Recovery You can proceding to flash Bios !!!
To use 1st Bios Mod download this file and unpack, read instructions and prepare an USB Dos Formatted Bootable,
copy all files from modified folder into USB and Boot from USB Dos, then execute flash.bat comand :
To use 2nd Bios Mod download this file and unpack, then use InsydeFlash.exe to write your Bios Mod into Eeprom :
Let me know