Good Day Everybody
What we got here is a;
Medion Akoya 7624 MD 98920
What weve done so far:
Followed Fully Biod Mod. Instructions ..
Flashed 3 Times The Bios..
but then i was deciding to test with /d insteat of /GAN .. i mean after those successfull flashings and Table > Editing from Default to User < a whole day ... from the morning last to evning now.
okay so ?
we got here a message that everything says;
Rom File Capsule Header Checking ... Fail
but no one really has a > Detailed Explanation About This Error <
and also here in this board a couple of people there describing how they solve their bios modding..
and someones mentioned about that, they couldnt unlock their own bios totally.
maybe is missunderstud a couple things in this thread:
Fully Followed This Thread:
i mean it worked. but with little tiny change.. a real small change > a couple of USB Ports are now available.. and some sorts..
says this.
so we ending here at nowhere.. hm..
Outer Quote: " try Intel Flash Programming "
good god.. ive searched about .. but as the link before ive pasted.. no one of them was really helpfull.
i didn't mean that this board isnt helpfull.. this board is the most amazing one ive found RN !
so which proceder needs to be unlock this fully down ?
using a Aptio V ( 5 ) ?
i dont think so ( maybe )
more there like working with Aptio 4
tbh.. i didnt check which real mainboard this is.
some says: " you should not do that with a Universal Bios Back Extractor "
hm whynot ?
That Flash worked for me. But it Not Unlocked my Fully Features.
so ye, awaiting for solving this issue.
Thanks and Best Regards,
- take care and stay always healthy -
- Supremeas -