I'm only a novice at this whole BIOS editing thing, but I've been around computers long enough to at least be understanding of it all. Either way, I took your BIOS mod a step (or whole stair case really) further by shuffling around a crapload of options that are actually in the BIOS but just not available in the normal screens
Mine now offers in addition to what is available in yours (god I wish screenshots were a BIOS option):
-------- Halt On
All Errors/No Errors/All, But Keyboard/All, But Diskette/All, But Disk/Key
-------- Integrated Peripherals-
----------------------------------- SiS OnChip PCI Device-
-------------------------------------------------------------- SiS USB Controller
Enable/Disable (En/Dis)
-------------------------------------------------------------- USB 2.0 Support
-------------------------------------------------------------- USB Keyboard Support
-------------------------------------------------------------- SiS S/W Modem
-------------------------------------------------------------- SATA Mode
IDE/RAID (Whether RAID actually works, I don't know sorry)
-------------------------------------------------------------- PMCLK/GPI018 Select
PMCLK/RTC32kHz (No clue what that is, Default is RTC)
----------------------------------- IDE Block Mode
----------------------------------- POWER ON Function
Button Only/Any KEY/Keyboard 98
----------------------------------- Onboard Floppy Disk Controller
----------------------------------- [USB0, USB1, USB2, USB2.0, MAC, Audio] Access Interface
PCI Bus/EDB Bus (all 5 are their own separate option)
-------- Boot Up Floppy Seek
-------- Boot Up NumLock Status
-------------- DRAM Configuration-
--------------------------------------- HT_Width (In-Out)
--------------------------------------- HT_Speed
100/200/300/400/500/600/700/800 mhz
--------------------------------------- Auto Configuration
AGP & P2P Bridge Control/Auto (I unno with this either haha)
--------------------------------------- Timing Mode
--------------------------------------- Memclock index value (Mhz)
--------------------------------------- CAS# Latency (Tcl)
--------------------------------------- 1T/2T Command Rate (CR)
--------------------------------------- MTRR mapping mode
Continuous/Discrete (Another I've never encountered, Discrete is mentioned to be "Agressive" in the little help info sidebar)
-------------- Internal Cache
-------------- External Cache
-------------- AMD K8 Cool'n'Quiet
-------------- OnChip VGA Control-
--------------------------------------- Graphics Engine Clock
--------------------------------------- AGP Aperture Size
0/32/64/128/256/512 (I also removed the other option)
--------------------------------------- AGP Transfer Rate
--------------------------------------- AGP Fast Write Support
(Probably added another thing or two to this area, but nothing stands out ATM)
----------- ACPI Function
----------- Power Management
User Define/Disable/Min Saving/Max Saving
----------- Power Up By Alarm
En/Dis (Which lets you then use the Month Alarm, Date (of Month) Alarm and/or Time Alarm, as you can just have time set if you don't want a month/day combo included)
----------- Video Off Option, and Method (Sorry, I'm getting tired of typing out their detailed options)
----------- Suspend Mode
----------- Switch Function
----------- HDD Off After
----------- Hardware Monitor - You can now set a ShutDown temp (I also adjusted the fan temps and speeds to something more fitting. Still gonig to try getting them to work)
And I've noticed a few things I'm going to have to go back and add and remove, as they don't work or aren't necessary. When that time comes I'll add the BIOS as an attachment with the version of WinFlash I used.