12-23-2018, 05:22 AM
i try to find my way to repair my pc, which is bricked by a fault process describe by MSI.
By the way i try to use the recovery process for AMI and i'm block on the step "identify the wright name for the BIOS file before i put on the USB key"?
On your process, you talk about andy p's award AMI-SLIC-TOOL where i can find them ?
If i find it, where you find the wright name on this software ?
the process you describe for AMI was it good for desktop only? if it's yes, have you got a particular process for laptop?
Thank you very much for helping me. (and sorry for my English which is a bit bad )
i try to find my way to repair my pc, which is bricked by a fault process describe by MSI.
By the way i try to use the recovery process for AMI and i'm block on the step "identify the wright name for the BIOS file before i put on the USB key"?
On your process, you talk about andy p's award AMI-SLIC-TOOL where i can find them ?
If i find it, where you find the wright name on this software ?
the process you describe for AMI was it good for desktop only? if it's yes, have you got a particular process for laptop?
Thank you very much for helping me. (and sorry for my English which is a bit bad )