This is a Jingsha Bios for the X89-L Board (My board is having issues so I dumped the bios thinking I could fix it.)
This is:,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ the Board.
I have that exact combo, however my board acts the same regardless of the bios installed. I.E. I erased the rom completely and it did the same thing (waiting on RMA support). If someone could Tinker with this, or maybe the stock rom will help someone who needs an untouched version. My board is in a NO-BEEP NO-POST state, everything powers on, the cpu heats up, but nothing happens, I've changed everything but the board and cpu, but its the same result.
I wonder if that chipset is even recognized by the bios, but have no idea how to check.
This bios was dumped using an EZP2010(and a dip8 grabber). The Chip is an SPI FLASH BY MXIC MX25L1605D with a 2MB Size.
This is:,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ the Board.
I have that exact combo, however my board acts the same regardless of the bios installed. I.E. I erased the rom completely and it did the same thing (waiting on RMA support). If someone could Tinker with this, or maybe the stock rom will help someone who needs an untouched version. My board is in a NO-BEEP NO-POST state, everything powers on, the cpu heats up, but nothing happens, I've changed everything but the board and cpu, but its the same result.
I wonder if that chipset is even recognized by the bios, but have no idea how to check.
This bios was dumped using an EZP2010(and a dip8 grabber). The Chip is an SPI FLASH BY MXIC MX25L1605D with a 2MB Size.