Hi There,
Im after some advice on how to update my bios? The machine is a Fujitsu Esprimo D343-U14 GS1 with a H110 chipset.
In the bios it has a section to automatically update the bios, ive left it activated to update the bios daily etc but nothing seems to be changing/updating?
The version at the moment is Bios -10/12/17 R1.14.0 and it has not changed?
Ive also been to the fujitsu website to download the latest version and tried to follow the instructions but not been able to get it to work, i downloaded this version D3430-U1xR1.31.0.BUP.
This is what the txt file in CPU-Z says about the bios?
vendor FUJITSU // American Megatrends Inc.
version V5.0.0.12 R1.14.0 for D3430-U1x
date 10/12/2017
ROM size 8192 KB
This is a quick edit, ive now managed to update the bios to R1.35.0, id missed it before but on the fujitsu website there is a 9.32mb download that is called, "FTS_D3430U1xFlashBIOSUpdateDeskFlashInstant_V50012R1350_1301906"
To look at the new bios, it looks exactly the same as the old one,i didnt notice anything thats been added,one thing with this bios is, its very old fashioned looking compared to the fancy ASUS and MSI ones,i was expecting it now to be able to be controlled by a mouse at least, instead of the arrow keys.Obviously its because it was originally supplied for the business market.
I see alot of people trying to update the bios on the older Esprimo D556 that had the gen 6 intel chips and only 2133mhz memory controller,trying to get the better intel processors to work because the boards used are nearly exactly the same so i will leave this up for anyone else needing help to update there bios.This is the fujitsu listing i got the bios update from incase it helps anyone else.
For the D556 "https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/IndexDownload.asp?lng=en"
These are being sold on ebay pretty cheaply,and id recommend the D556/2/E85 version,just update the standard crappy fujitsu supplied 4GB or 8GB single sided 1x16 memory with 1 or 2 8GB HX424C15FBK2/16 2Rx8 modules. For a daily standard use machine they are brilliant,even with the i3 2C4T processors.
Ok thank you!
Im after some advice on how to update my bios? The machine is a Fujitsu Esprimo D343-U14 GS1 with a H110 chipset.
In the bios it has a section to automatically update the bios, ive left it activated to update the bios daily etc but nothing seems to be changing/updating?
The version at the moment is Bios -10/12/17 R1.14.0 and it has not changed?
Ive also been to the fujitsu website to download the latest version and tried to follow the instructions but not been able to get it to work, i downloaded this version D3430-U1xR1.31.0.BUP.
This is what the txt file in CPU-Z says about the bios?
vendor FUJITSU // American Megatrends Inc.
version V5.0.0.12 R1.14.0 for D3430-U1x
date 10/12/2017
ROM size 8192 KB
This is a quick edit, ive now managed to update the bios to R1.35.0, id missed it before but on the fujitsu website there is a 9.32mb download that is called, "FTS_D3430U1xFlashBIOSUpdateDeskFlashInstant_V50012R1350_1301906"
To look at the new bios, it looks exactly the same as the old one,i didnt notice anything thats been added,one thing with this bios is, its very old fashioned looking compared to the fancy ASUS and MSI ones,i was expecting it now to be able to be controlled by a mouse at least, instead of the arrow keys.Obviously its because it was originally supplied for the business market.
I see alot of people trying to update the bios on the older Esprimo D556 that had the gen 6 intel chips and only 2133mhz memory controller,trying to get the better intel processors to work because the boards used are nearly exactly the same so i will leave this up for anyone else needing help to update there bios.This is the fujitsu listing i got the bios update from incase it helps anyone else.
For the D556 "https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/IndexDownload.asp?lng=en"
These are being sold on ebay pretty cheaply,and id recommend the D556/2/E85 version,just update the standard crappy fujitsu supplied 4GB or 8GB single sided 1x16 memory with 1 or 2 8GB HX424C15FBK2/16 2Rx8 modules. For a daily standard use machine they are brilliant,even with the i3 2C4T processors.
Ok thank you!