How to add AHCI mod to MSI MS-7358 ?
Could you mod the Bios for my MSI MS-7358 v1.1 (Medion PC) with Bios version 1.1 D ? There are only "IDE" options available / visible and no "RAID Mode" en "AHCI Devices Group" options. Hope you can help me with this.
Here you can find the latest bios:
If you fill in the "MSN number = 10010920" the drivers for my
bios/mobo wil appear.
Thank you very much.
Could you mod the Bios for my MSI MS-7358 v1.1 (Medion PC) with Bios version 1.1 D ? There are only "IDE" options available / visible and no "RAID Mode" en "AHCI Devices Group" options. Hope you can help me with this.
Here you can find the latest bios:
If you fill in the "MSN number = 10010920" the drivers for my
bios/mobo wil appear.
Thank you very much.