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The traditional Phoenix Basic Input Output System (BIOS) uses a String and Template format to map menu items to the BIOS menu. This is a similar design to the Award BIOS platform, which also has a Strings Read-only Memory (ROM) and an Item ROM to map menu items.
This Mwthod to modify by ourself the own Bios Backup is been developed by BDMaster basing on a CodeRush Tool . . . UEFIPatch !

Revision as of 06:17, 2 September 2015

This Mwthod to modify by ourself the own Bios Backup is been developed by BDMaster basing on a CodeRush Tool . . . UEFIPatch !


In order to analyze, modify, and build our new BIOS image, you will need to use Andy P's Phoenix/Insyde Software Licensing Internal/Information Code (SLIC) tool, which does a very nice job of maintaining the integrity of the BIOS image resulting in a lesser chance of corruption compared to using Phoenix BIOS Editor (PBE) for the same task. PBE will still be used to emulate the menu setup in the original and modified BIOS image.

Andy P's SLIC tool (bottom of first post): http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/13194-Tool-to-Insert-Replace-SLIC-in-Phoenix-Insyde-Dell-EFI-BIOSes

Phoenix BIOS Editor: http://www.bios-mods.com/tools/index.php?dir=Phoenix+Bios+Editor+v2.2.13%2F&download=PhoenixBiosEditor2.2.13.zip

Modification Process

Create a working directory to host all of your modification work, for example C:/BIOS. Download your BIOS image (.ROM or .WPH) into the working directory. If your BIOS update is in an EXE or similar, try using decompression tools such as 7-Zip or UniExtract to obtain the BIOS image.

Open the Phoenix SLIC tool and point it to your BIOS image. This will extract all of the BIOS modules to a sub-folder called "DUMP"