Training the Next Generation of BIOS Modders

BiosModsDear community, for years has been and continues to be an open, collaborative space to help users around the world make the most of their motherboards, hardware platforms, and computers as a whole. Over the years, we have had many talented developers come and go who have all left tremendous impacts on our ability to modify BIOS images and provide the know-how for people who like “Do it Yourself” projects.

We would like to start an open-knowledge initiative to help recruit and train new moderators at with the wealth of information there is to be shared. We are looking for several interested enthusiasts who want to learn more about the process behind BIOS modifications and who are willing to learn with the rest of us. BIOS modifications are an evolving process, and as UEFI continues to gain market share, the techniques must also evolve to make the most of the new emerging technologies.

Starting in May, we would like to refresh our tutorials section by making available many of our BIOS modification methods that we use regularly on the site but have not been publicly documented. We hope that by sharing new information with the community, we can encourage users to become more involved in the process so that we can meet the rising demand of BIOS modification requests.

We will begin updating our tutorial sections for Phoenix and Insyde BIOS platforms which has grown very popular over the past several years. If you already have existing BIOS Modification experience, we welcome you to join us in updating our public knowledge base and database come May.

If you are interested in learning how to become a BIOS “modder” on the site and would like to become an active moderator on our forums, please click below. You will be taken to our contact forum where you can leave a message with your interest. An administrator will get back to you shortly.

Best regards,

I am ready to get started

12 Responses to “Training the Next Generation of BIOS Modders”

  • florin:

    I still think a wiki it’s a better place to write tutorials.

  • Iperzampem0:

    Hi, I want to understand something about BIOS mods.. at least for my Vaio as I seen that there’s too much work here for moderators and singular requests can’t be taken seriously.
    Thank you

  • Hi there…I’m really interested in all this, but I don’t know anything coding related. I’m just an avid overclocker.
    Nice site!

  • datapersada:

    Sounds great, I want be next generation BIOSmods, how? I can cut and paste with winhex only right now

  • As a student of software engineering at Univ. of Colorado,planning on specializing in software security. I feel that a thorough understanding of BIOS protocols is extremely important! I have seen systems with the BIOS compromised by (subversion) hackers, which the factory flash software will not overwrite nor show anything but “success”, leaving their malicious code to ruin the new HDD someone saved for, or retake control of PC. I would also like to make this knowledge of use to Linux users! Anything I could learn of the most important system there is,(booting) would be of great interest! Thank You, Ray P.

  • Kelvin:

    I want be a BIOS Modders

  • Erasure371:

    This site has some very important information to pass on. I would like to do my part by giving back. I just saved my laptop from a bad flash.

  • Hi i want lo learn about the modding..and learn more technique..thank u for your great info..

    • It’s always good to see more people wanting to get involved 🙂

      The best way to learn more about bios modding is to expirenment with your own bios. That’s how I got started and that’s how I think everything should get started. And make sure you join the forums here sicne it’s one of the best ways to communicate with us. Feel free to start up thread in the ‘General Discussion’ area and ask all your questions there 🙂

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